Just last night I was praying to God about my diet. I prayed for willpower to lose weight, as I kind of fell off the wagon this weekend, so to speak, after doing so well throughout the week before. And today, I felt like God was asking me to take a different route around the lake when I usually take another. So I did, wondering if there was a reason for this. There was. When I was almost commpletely around the lake, the trail was closed due to flooding, and I was forced to turn around and walk the whole lake back again. Seems either God has a sense of humor, or he's taking me on in this whole weight loss journey.

So being slightly out of shape, I felt a little negative about the whole thing. But only briefly. I quickly decided to make the best of it. There's this pier on the other side of the lake that I love to go to the end of and just pause to feel God for a moment in this busy life. And it makes my whole day to do so. During nice weather it's occupied with fishermen or boaters, so I bypass it. And this day I bypassed it again because I just wanted to get this walk over with. But on the way back, I decided that God was calling me to just stop and spend a moment with him. The pier was full of geese that I gently shooed away. I dared not sit on the pier as it was covered in geese droppings. But I stood all the way to the very edge of the pier, and stood in silence as the muddy waters drifted around me. And I could feel His breath in me as I inhaled His air. And I let Him fill me. And I finished my walk, survived the few extra steps, and felt a new calm surround me.

Sometimes all we need is a reason to stop. Just stop. This world is so busy, so much in a rush. And even when there's no reason for hurrying, we find ourselves unable to just STOP. Every time I take my walk with God, I have to wonder what holds me back from doing this more often? Because today, my day is made.
*Pictures taken at Spring Lake last Spring. Just imagine a lot more mud and browner water....
Hey, girl! Call me up next time. I haven't walked spring lake in forever. You are a perfect walking speed for me. Hey, I used my shaker tonight (without soda this time--I'm such a smart girl!) and had a very enjoyable dirty martini. Thanks so much. Ya wanna black cat Sunday after I get off work?
hey crissi...i wanna go for a walk too stop by next time
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