My job consists of researching property history, taking pictures of houses while driving all over Sonoma County and beyond (which means cranking up the stereo and enjoying the scenery), being invited into the most beautiful homes you could imagine, and comfortably typing up reports from the comfort of my own home. Most days I am typing up at my kitchen table. Beautiful days like today, I type up outside on the patio furniture, wearing nothing but my swimsuit as I "multi-task": type up and work on my tan.

But besides that, I am fortunate to have a job right now. It doesn't pay well at the moment. I am broke more often than not. But I have a promising future ahead of me. And there are so many people out there who do not have jobs, and not for lack of seeking one out.
So, thank you God for giving me a good job, one I enjoy and one that will give me the future I am planning for.
Your job sounds like a dream! Praiseworthy indeed!
OK...I see your point....Praising Him for our jobs....THANKS for the reminder!
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