- For the memory of a lingering kiss. Being in love, and being loved, makes me smile.
- For the Dave Matthews CD "Crash", especially the 5th and 6th song. The way those two songs merge into one, that makes me smile.
- Waking up early before anyone else. The morning makes me smile.
- Enjoying a perfect cup of coffee with soy milk. Mmmmm!
- Finally being one and at peace in my beliefs and faith in God. Having no conflict inside of me, and feeling this close to God gives me reason to smile.
- 40 Days of Praise makes me smile!
- My friend Kristie, who is on a mission trip to Cambodia. Her courage and selflessness make me smile. See her pictures HERE. To read about it, CLICK HERE.
- Knowing that camp is two days away makes me smile.
- Big morning hugs from my kids. :-)
- My new layout here on my blog. I really like the way it looks, with all the blues and ocean, it makes me smile.
- Slumber parties make me smile.
- All my future life plans that are in the works make me smile.
- When my mom talks to the chirping bird outside stealing our cat's cat food, telling it to cut it out as if it understands, that makes me smile.
- My daughter mimicking me by drinking tea every day makes me smile.
- Another work week filled with lots of orders (i.e. more hours=bigger paycheck) makes me smile.
- My friends, and being able to hang out with them, make me smile.
- Another promise of a beautiful day makes me smile.

Thank you God for all this happiness you've placed in my life! Thank you for all the reasons I have to smile. I praise you for such a beautiful, universal way to show happiness.
You make me smile.
Your new layout and background makes me smile...oh and to ditto Gina... so do you.
Now I'M smiling......
beautiful.. just like the pic right next to it of YOU smiling!!!
I'm diggin' your blog's new look. It makes me SMILE!!
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