Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Needing prayers

I am asking for all of my friends reading this to offer their prayers up to the Lord on behalf of my family and me. The Lord knows my circumstance, and my nervousness. I am asking for prayers of strength, wisdom, and courage. I don't want to make this all dramatic, it's just that it is time for some changes to be made, and I am still procrastinating in doing so. I am having a hard time separating my children's best interest from my fear of anger directed at me. And I've come up with excuse after excuse to keep me from making these changes, just to remain in denial that these things need to be done. And I need to get over that and make these changes now. But I need your help in finding that strength to do so. I'll start...

Lord, I am at your mercy, as I've been for awhile now. I accept and rejoice that my life is in your hands. I am actually grateful for your challenges for me, as I am stronger because of them. But at times I am afraid to ask for your divine help in the areas that matter most, and this is one of them. I ask for your hand to be over mine as I make the phonecalls that need to be made. I ask that your arms will support me as I plead my case. I ask that your robes will surround me and keep me safe, and that your whisper in my ear will be the only sound I hear. And if it is your will, I ask for your calmness to envelope other's hearts that may wish me ill will, but if I must suffer from that anger, that your grace will keep me strong. Lord, I am about to pray harder than ever before for your guidance and protection. And I thank you now for the path you will give me.


Thomas said...

Just prayed for you crissi, and will continue.

Anonymous said...

praying for you :)

Anonymous said...

Love and prayers.