Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Prayer 2

I'm afraid to write. I feel like maybe I'm crazy. There's something that needs to be done, and I wish I didn't have to be so vague. I'm scared, confused, and torn to peices right now. I hate making decisions! It's never been my strong point. I'm scared of the decision I have to make, I'm scared of the outcome, I'm scared that I may make the wrong decision. This is a big one.

*Please guide me Lord. I don't think I've ever needed you more in my life than I need you right now. I am in a desperate place and need your guidance. I'm afraid.


Anonymous said...

Lord, I know you can show Crissi the way. You say that wherever two or more are gathered in your name, you are there with them also (a blog is as good of a place as any). Please, give her clear direction. Put your stamp of approval on the right choice, so that she can see it clearly. Take away her fear. Amen.

Anonymous said...

God, protect Crissi right now from lies and put downs and fears and anger and helplessness. Be her armor. And when she doesn't have the strength to get up on her own, pick her up. When she is sinking, pull her out. I know you love her so much and don't like to see her go through all of this. Thank you for sparing her from the full weight of her burdens. You are already carrying her, thank you. You will always be the constant in our chaos.

Thomas said...

Crissi, I don't know what is going on. Let me just say that if you need any guy brute strengh or support, We can take care of that. God be with you as you make this decision. protect you.