Friday, March 04, 2005

More on Love

I don't think there is any greater feeling than being in love. I'm not just talking about romantic love, but all aspects of it. We are all in love, whether we know it.

As silly as this sounds, this topic was generated in me after finishing a book I've been reading for the past few days, The Lovely Bones. I'm one of those people that can fall into the pages of the book I'm reading, and feel the things I am reading about. The imagery, the heartache, the everything. And when it's done, it's almost disappointing, because it's over. But all the happenings in the book invoked all the emotions I constantly have running through me, and I had to get to a computer and write them all down.

I have experienced true love through the love of my children. I have heard that having children is like placing your heart outside of yourself. It's true, and then some. My children are my soul. There is nothing purer than loving my children. My most serene times are when I am holding one of them in my arms in the most casualest of moments for them, as we watch a movie or read a story. But to me it is anything but casual. It is tender and emotional. Sometimes it takes so much to keep the tears out of my eyes as they do the simplest thing like lean against me. When they are gone at their dad's house, my heart goes with them. While I wouldn't necessarily say I am incomplete anymore, as I am getting accustomed to this arrangement and know they will come back to me, I do feel that piece of my heart is with them.

A love that I miss is the love of the romantic kind. Yes I was married, and I felt a certain kind of love. But I imagine that I have yet to experience the purest kind of love with a partner in life. The true love I feel for my kids, I hope I get to experience this kind of love with a husband. No it's not the same kind of love, but I want the deepness of it. At this point, I do have hope. I have so much more of myself to attain before I can have this, but I still dream of it, nevertheless. I want a best friend in my husband, someone I can share my whole life with. I want someone who I can grow old with comfortably, someone who can support me, and allow me to support him.

Love is a wonderful thing. All you need is love. In the name of love. Love lifts us up where we belong.

Love is the closest way to God. Love was created by God. God loves us. God created love so that we can love Him, we can feel His love for us, and we can love each other. There is no greater feeling than that of love. When we remember others, we love. When we cry, we do so out of love. When we laugh, we love. Love allows us to see things in a different light. Love creates harmony and compassion. Love allows us to do things we normally wouldn't dream of doing. Love is the base of all we feel. Sometimes we love so much it hurts, but the best part of love is when it creates sparks in your soul.

*Thank you Lord for Love. Thank you for giving us this piece of you and of Heaven inside of us. Thank you for the feelings of hope and faith that love invokes inside of us. And Lord, I love you.

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