Sad that a "Christian" president will claim to be a servant of God, then send out brothers and sisters to war to kill others and be killed.
Sad that this same president takes away their benefits the very day after sending these men and women to war.
Sad that this war will not end, for it is important for us to prove we are the stronger nation.
Sad that this is "disquised" as a war on terrorism.
Sad that it is no longer clear who the terrorists are.
Sad that it is more important for the government to have their perks than it is for an immigrant child to receive healthcare in the first two years of their life.
Sad that power is gained by manipulation.
Sad that racism still exists as strongly as ever, just in different forms.
Sad that the majority of us still live by the motto of "What can you do for ME?"
Sad that Christians are at war with each other.
Sad that I no longer feel comfortable in church circles, and have given up a lot of friends because of this.
Sad that the people who stood around me in my times of need aren't close to me anymore.
Sad that my leaving was made easy, though it wouldn't have changed my mind.
Sad that condemning sins has become more important than the love of Christ.
Sad that I still feel the need to fight that, but don't want this negativity in my life any longer, or my focus to be on hate and anger more than the love of Christ.
Sad to feel abandoned by, and to be abandoning, those that love the same God.
I'm sad too... for you.. for me....
but I'm so glad for grace which falls like rain, on the evil and the good, and I'm standing like a child in it, open mouthed and catching the drops!!!
love to you today, Crissi
Don't be sad anymore!
Get over the sadness!
C'mon, Crissi!!!!
Not why JESUS took all that pain to leave you with sadness!
He alone will NEVER leave you or forsake you, Crissi!
Allow the JOY of the LORD to be your strength!!!
Praise God that He is in control.
Praise His holy name.
Praise the Son who died for us.
Praise all of creation.
Praise you Lord with our whole heart
Praise ever on our lips
"Unto thee, O Lord i lift up my soul. O my God i trust in thee, let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me" Psalm 25:1-2
Trust in the Lord
Cry to the Lord
Fear the Lord
Love the Lord your God with all your mind and soul and strength.
Crissi, God really is in control, which means we can not be. Let God be God, rejoice in who you are in Him as you live out your life for Him each moment of each day. Turn your face toward Him always and He will never turn away from you. Find joy and the peace which surpasses all understanding, in Him. He loves you more than anything we could ever know or imagine. Love that big deserves our very souls in return. He is our all in all. Take comfort in Him and find joy.
God bless you Crissi
"Make sure there's no evil or unbelief lying around that will trip you up and throw you off course, diverting you from the living God." Hebrews 3:12
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