Me, the kiddos, and my sister, Heather in front of the train at Disneyland.

My sister Melissa and me.

Me and the kids in front of the Christmas tree at the Sheraton in Anaheim.
Cliff's Notes version of trip...
First day at the park was Friday. There were lots of lines, but not nearly as crowded as the weekend would be. We had no idea! We went on all the big rides, and got some shopping out of the way. The kids went back to the hotel with my dad and grandma. My mom and I stayed at the park until closing. We had a blast! Without kids we were able to rush from ride to ride. The last ride was Space Mountain, which we waited an hour to go on for three thrilling minutes of roller coaster. And it was definitely worth it!
Day two, my sisters joined us. The kids had been pretty difficult the day before, but seemed to get the hang of things this day. We visited California Adventure this day, and went on California Screamin' twice. The kids and I took off later that night and went on the Rushing Rapids ride twice. We were soaking wet! Two hours later, we were still wet, and the kids were freezing. I ended up paying an arm and a leg for a new sweatshirt for each of them. But I figured, we're only there once, and in two weeks the money I spent will have made no impact, so why not? We watched the electric parade, the fireworks, and then we took the kids on Space Mountain. I was afraid that they'd be too scared, but they ended up loving that ride the best.
Day three....and we were pooped! We went on two rides only. We ate lunch there, and then did last minute shopping. We let the kids run wild at Tom Sawyer's island. We didn't leave until around 5 pm, and got home at 2 am. Oh, and did I mention it's a small world? We ran into an old friend the day before, and happened to see Natalie and Jeremy this day on the Matterhorn at the same time as us. Unfortunately, they didn't see us, and didn't have cell phones on them. Can't blame them, though, it looked like they were having a fabulous time together. Ahhh, newleyweds.....
I love Disneyland, and I hope to return again in the next couple of years. But my wallet and aching body are Disneylanded out!!!
Oops! I checked this out a few days ago and forgot to tell you how jealous I was at what a great time it looked like you had. Hope to see you soon. Blessings!
Was that Sheraton the one that looks like a castle by any chance? We went to Disneyland over Spring Break this year and when I saw your pictures, it was just like being there all over again! :-)
You seem to be doing so great! I'm happy for you.
Love ya and Happy New Year!
Your old DD buddy! "kaycee"
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