Speaking of boosts in faith, what a week! I helped out in our VBS program, "Jerusalem Marketplace", as one of the tribe leaders. There were 12 tribes of Israel, and we were Joseph. This week we learned what it was like to live in Jerusalem times, and at the time of Jesus' last week. My tribe was just so precious, all girls (except for an occasional appearance by my son, and by the little brother of one of the girls). We were to be a family for the week, and by the end of the week, we definitely were.

12 Tibes of Israel

3 of my girls

Singing praise
The marketplace was a place where we could buy things, and learn new crafts. We had a playyard where we learned Jewish games. And we also had synagogue where we learned religious rituals.

Rabbi Sam ;-)

Learning at Synagogue

Making bread at the marketplace bakery
But during all of this, we were hearing about Jesus. The first day we learned about the Messiah, how he was has come to Jerusalem to heal us and save us. The second day we hear about how he washed the feet of his disciples, teaching them about servitude. The third day he was arrested while praying. The fourth day he was crucified. And today, the fifth day, he rose from the dead.
By the time yesterday hit, it actually hit me hard to hear that Jesus had been crucified. One of the ladies ran up to us, and asked us if we had heard that her Lord had been crucified. And when I turned to my girls to ask if they had heard her, that Jesus had died, I felt like I wanted to cry! That's how real it felt. But it is real. He died for me, for us, so that we can join again. And today, "Jesus" made a special appearance at the very end. You should have seen the children! The little brother in my group, Drew, who is 3 years old, looked up at me with his big innocent eyes, and said, "Jesus is here!" He was so genuinely excited. And then Jesus came up and kissed him, and Drew had stars in his eyes, it took all I had not to burst out crying. But it felt like Jesus really was there, like we were witnessing a miracle. Sure it was a re-enactment, but it was wonderful feeling a fraction of what it must have felt like in those days, to see the Lord, and hear Him tell us how much he loves us.
This whole week was a lot of work. I am exhausted! But it was worth every second of it, and I would do it again in a heartbeat!
Hey Crissi, I was so excited to just wave at you in the as you were leaving the church parking lot tonight. VBS sounded like a blast. I can't wait to see you again.
hey crissi, will you e-mail me or call me with your e-mail address please? Thanks, Gina
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