My life had little to it.
I thought, 'Maybe I just need a change.'
So I lost a little weight,
and I allowed my skin to color.
And I got a little attention.
But something was missing,
and it wasn't enough.
So I bought some new outfits,
and I always did my hair,
and my make-up was always perfect,
and my lips always in a smile.
But something was missing,
and it wasn't enough.
So I saved all my money,
and used it only for necessities,
and I watched my savings grow.
But something was missing,
and it wasn't enough.
So I got a new apartment,
what I thought was the answer,
and I'll move in a couple weeks.
But something was missing,
and it wasn't enough.
So I got healthier,
and Pilates became daily,
and my cigarettes nonexistant,
and my food so much more wholesome.
But something was missing,
and it wasn't enough.
So I longed for a connection,
someone to ease my lonliness,
and I hoped that I'd be noticed,
and that this would distract me.
But nobody saw me.
And they looked right through me.
And my loneliness doubled.
And I felt more lost than ever.
And something is missing.
And that You.
All my answers have been about me.
And I've forgotten my neighbor
and I've forgotten how to pray
and I've forgotten that you are listening
and I've forgotten that you have a plan
and I've forgotten how to let you be my center
and I've forgotten that YOU are the answer
and I've forgotten.....
I've forgotten.....
I've forgotten.....
Oh God, I've just forgotten.....
.....please remind me.